After approval of the Investment Policy Review recommendations (led by Reviewer Riza Mantaring) during the special June Board of Trustees meeting, the Finance Committee started a series of online discussions with our fund managers. Aside from receiving a situationer on the economy and financial market prospects, the FinComm members, headed by Treasurer Ega Atanacio, discussed options to increase our investment returns. The FinComm will soon come up with concrete suggestions on this subject.
The Board held another special meeting on July 7 primarily to discuss the proposed policies on Professorial Chairs and on R&D. The Board decided to adopt the two new policies in principle, with the formal ratification after minor modifications (arising from the discussions), to follow via email.

Other agenda items were also tackled. Adviser Chato Calderon presented the plans for the 50th Golden Jubilee Celebration in 2022. Resource Generation Committee chairman Michael Gonzalez formally requested an expanded fundraising for the 10,000-core High Performance Computing facility, which was approved by the Board. He also presented the proposed revisions to the 2021 Budget to align with the priorities of the College.